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Toyota Premio 1.5 F 2005 Reviews

Toyota Premio 1.5 F 2005 Reviews

Toyota Premio 1.5 F 2005 Reviews

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  Tue, 23 Feb 2021
I have been driving this car for quite a while. It was first registered in 2007 but still running pretty well.
Easier than most cars to drive and turn the corners. I usually drive in the morning to go to office and then at night office to home. At those busy hours of extreme traffic jam it runs 6.5 km per unit of CNG.
I have been driving this car for quite a while. It was first registered in 2007 but still running pretty well.
Easier than most cars to drive and turn the corners. I usually drive in the morning to go to office and then at night office to home. At those busy hours of extreme traffic jam it runs 6.5 km per unit of CNG.
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